Je Suis ISIS

False Flags? G20? COP21? Strong Cities Network? Refugees?

What’s that in the fireplace?



Fareed Zakaria interviewed John Kerry “…on the next steps for the U.S. response to the crisis in Syria and Iraq, whether there is still hope for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, if Iran’s actions towards the West have improved since the P5+1 nuclear deal, and what to expect from next week’s global conference on climate change.”

The interview was posted Friday 13th, 3:36PM EST… the day of the attacks (actually, at the exact same time as the first attack) and one day before Jean Jullien’s ‘Peace for Paris’ artwork went viral. The interview had certainly taken place quite some time before this.

Did Jean Julien copy this? He seemed extremely defensive when I asked him about it. Is this a simple case of ‘plagariat,’ or there something more nefarious going on?

It is worth mentioning that this is the only one of Fareed Zakaria’s CNN interviews which is not available online.



Some soldiers were on duty in front of the Bataclan … but they did not intervene


And one more thing…

It bears repeating here that there are ‘terrorist’ events of this scale happening every week in Africa, Asia, and South America. These events are almost never reported unless they serve some higher purpose. Did we ever bring back Michelle Obama’s Chibok girls? Do you know? Do you remember? Does she? Boko Haram et al. have been importing young girls and boys into Europe to serve the sexual desires of the European elite ever since colonial days at the rate of thousands per year.

Middle America, now it’s a tragedy
Now it’s so sad to see, an upper class city
Having this happening (this happening)…

Paul Craig Roberts, in a recently penned article has written, “…the world is accustomed to following the lead of the West.” This is wrong. More correctly, the world has no choice but to follow the lead of the West. If it didn’t, we’d never hear about it anyhow. Emerging markets are being dragged around by the nose-ring in order to support a western narrative, western military goals, and western economic policy. In the west-centric news cycle, only white lives matter. This is why shutting the door to millions of migrants/refugees because of a single fake Syrian passport will be an easy and readily acceptable thing to do.

Is Paris the European equivalent of 9/11? Will the world have to radically change because of it? Are the lives of 100+ Parisiens that much more worthy of fighting for than the hundreds of thousands or millions of middle-easterners who have suffered at the hands of the West for centuries? Who are the terrorists and what is the true goal behind their attacks?