Dupuytren’s Contracture and EuroThrones

Genetics has brought about a new and profound understanding of the relationships between the peoples of the world. Many ancestral traits can be traced back throughout the ages by means of studying the human genome and its variance amongst populations. Diseases specific to certain cultural groups are a very good indicator of lineage. Many blood lines can be traced back up their respective family trees by examination of the common diseases within these groups. A good example of this is haemophilia. Another good example is Dupuytren’s contracture.

[Also known as ‘Viking’s disease’ or ‘Celtic hand’ or ‘claw hand’ or ‘morbus Dupuytren,’] “Dupuytren’s disease (DD) is an ancient affliction of unknown origin. It is defined by Dorland as shortening, thickening, and fibrosis of the palmar fascia producing a flexion deformity of a finger. Tradition has it that the disease originated with the Vikings, who spread it throughout Northern Europe and beyond as they traveled and intermarried. After being present for hundreds of years, DD was named in the 19th century after a famous French surgeon, who was not the first to describe it.

While there seems to be a link to people with Northern heritage the theory that Dupuytren’s contracture is a Viking or Celtic disease is probably wrong (see also R. McFarlane “On the origin and spread of Dupuytren’s disease” J. Hand Surg. (Am) 27 (2002) p385-390 link_abstract). The earliest reported case of Dupuytren’s disease is an Egyptian mummy dating back 3000 years (full_text_Spanish).”

A good picture of the mummy’s hand can be found here.


Dupuytren’s contracture seen in Egyptian mummy. (page 100, fig 6 F-G).

Here, we have established a possible genetic link from ancient Egypt across the Mediterranean through to Scandinavia and into northern Europe. How is this possible? The explanation may lie with the forgotten tribe, the thirteenth tribe of Israel, the tribe of Dan. More on this later.

The image at the top of the page is of Marie De Medici. A cursory search of medieval and renaissance art will bring up myriad images of the mysterious ‘claw hand.’ Many historical figures are depicted sporting this odd ‘gang sign’ namely: Christopher Columbus; Queen Elizabeth I; King James I; Mary Queen of Scots; Prince Willem of Oranje; Martin Luther; Ignatius of Loyola; Sir Isaac Newton; Nathaniel Rothschild; Ayatollah Khomeini; and yes, even Adolf Hitler, amongst many others. Most of the royal families of Europe can be seen posing with this odd hand sign, be it from a disease or as an artificial mark of nobility. Why is this important?

Enqelab-e Eslami


Above can be seen a sign of Freemasonry. This sign is called the ‘hidden hand’ but could be thought of as the invisible hand which Adam Smith may have alluded to. The following images are of another sign, the ‘the Westside or Triad Claw/Marrano gesture.’


1st row: Grand Pensionary, Gaspar Fagel; Christopher Columbus; Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex. 2nd row: Grand Pensionary, Johan De Witt; Ignatius of Loyola; Martin Luther; Tupac Shakur.


1st row: Anne of Austria, Queen of France; Sir Nicholas Throckmorton; Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex; Cosimo De Medici. 2nd row: Edward VII; Eric of Sweden; Maurits of Nassau, Prince of Oranje; Adolf Hitler.

A truly remarkable collection of the ‘claw hand’ as seen through art over the past six hundred years can be found here.

And here’s one from Chauvet cave, in France (just a few days walk from the Mediterranean Sea for an artist of the Upper Paleolithic.) It is probably more than 30,000 years old.


All of these gestures are remarkably similar. Now you may be asking yourself what all of this has to do with the price of tea. Quite a lot, as it turns out…

Part 2. coming soon.